Crossing Off A Bucket List Item: The Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend

I did my first runDisney Weekend, as a bachelorette trip for the Princess Marathon weekend. I did the 5K and my ultimate princess friend did the ½ Marathon while I cheered her on. Watching her I vowed to myself someday I would do the Food & Wine runDisney race at EPCOT.
Why is this a bucket list item? If you’re a Disney fan like me, you have to see a runDisney Race Weekend. There is a full expo, where you can purchase race specific memorabilia. Designated resort hotels are decorated with signage as a surprise to the runners who have to wake up before the sun to get to the starting line. The Characters. Every single mile there is a character greeting, photo opportunity and ChEAR squad. And, the finish line. Where else can you run a race and have Mickey greet you at the finish line with a Disney theme souvenir metal of achievement? Not to mention the special race gear you can buy to show off your achievement to the folks back home.
Some background…I am not a runner. Although an avid exerciser, the Princess & The Frog 5K was the first and last time I did a true race. But, watching the Disney Princess ½ Marathon coming up on 10 years ago, was inspiring and since I love the annual Food & Wine Festival at EPCOT, the goal was added to the list. (It doesn’t hurt that it means I can go a few days early and get to attend Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party.)
Someday has arrived. This year the race is the weekend after my 50th birthday. Lucky for me, still a non-runner, they’ve added a 10K. Yesterday, with the Couch to 10K blaring on my iPhone I started my training. After my 30 minutes of walk, run, walk I’ve decided this is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But, the goal of seeing Chef Mickey at the finish line promises to be a picture I’ll keep in my mind for the next 200 days.

Getting Run Disney Race Ready
Aside from getting new shoes to train in, downloading music and apps to track my progress, I have to get Disney Food & Wine 10K ready. That involves much more fun than the actual run training I have embarked upon.
Register for the Race of Your Choice
There are so many to choose from on both coasts. Be warned, Disney run weekends sell out quickly, so, if it’s your goal to participate sign up for the notifications. As soon as the race you’ve picked out as “yours” sign up immediately to secure your place.
Make Your Travel Plans
Be sure to let goMagic that you’re participating. We can help make sure you get your hotel reservations (you’ll want to be able to take the special buses from the specified host hotels to the race start point). We can make sure you get tickets to all the special events associated with your race, like the special race parties and ChEAR squad tickets. And, we can provide you with the unique countdown to your race you can use on your social media or just to help keep yourself motivated.
Buy Some Gear
Although, not essential to training, it is after all part of the experience. As runDisney says the fashions are Medal. Worthy. If you’re going to put yourself through this goal, you might as well look great doing it. You can get Mickey Mouse leggings or a Goofy top or my personal favorite a full outfit of the Cheshire Cat. That seems fitting to me as I seem to have quite the grin on my face and I’m making my plans!
Are you ready to take on a runDisney challenge? Join me as I train and head down to Walt Disney World in October for this year’s EPCOT Food & Wine ½ Marathon Weekend, presented by Misfit. Need more information? Contact any of the goMagic former Disney Cast Members who are standing by to help make your magical vacation come true.